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Why use CellAide?


Melanie Watkins Brown says thank you

Melissa Martin, Tina loves her CellAide to keep her calm,

focused & on her A game, in & out of the arena!

 Thanks for keeping her healthy & going!!

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CellAide Minerals for us📷. Our dietary Supplement is perfect for balancing your gut naturally. This fermentation of minerals and Chlorophyll from Hemp plant helps achieve Homeostasis of the body.

This is a testimony from Carole Walker, in Loxahatchee, Fl


Before Cellaide my gelding would pop summer sores which would heal with wrapping and clay but would take about 3 weeks. Since being on Cellaide no new sores pop and old ones have healed. Sad to say I was about 2 months without my Cellaide and he had 3 old sores pop open. Restarted Cellaide 1 week healed!! No joke. Now to his temperament: he is a High Strung Trakehner 16.3 that thinks he is the Boss most days but loves to work. Not scared of environmental sounds or objects but let a butterfly land on him and he goes ape crap. Since on Cellaide this last week we have started him back to work today was the first day backed. He was as calm as a cucumber no issues. I HIGHLY recommend it his product. Oh he is 11 yo and has failed many trainers because he couldn’t listen. ADHD for sure. With Cellaide he is doing AWESOME

This product is AMAZING! We have been giving everything in our barn it since January 2021 and the difference is incredible!!! -
                            Toni Bingham

Our horses thrive on Cellaide!! - 
                      Kellie Shappy Gonzales
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CellAideMinerals has been apart of our program for a few years. Myself these products have increased stamina, healthy nail & hair growth.
Horses are staying healthy & sound.  Older horse show much improvement, have eliminated Prevocox and other joint supplements. 
                                                                                                   Judy Gillum


I have tried most popular joint supplements on the market including Platinum Performance, Lubricyn and OsteoBiFlex as well as many others with limited to no improvement.  On a recommendation from a friend and after hearing the potential benefits of a fermented product in liquid form I decided to try Cellaide Joint Works. Within a week I noted significant improvement in my stiffness getting out of bed and taking my first few steps all the way to the end of day stiffness.  This improvement continued and is still with me two months later.  



Angela Chenault, DVM, CVA

Equine Integrative Care
Certified in Veterinary Acupuncture and Chiropractics

Our 9 year old teacup chihuahua has had skin allergies since we got her as a year old rescue.
We have tried everything from changing foods to injections ( not desirable).  In the spring, her paws and face are pink, raw and hairless.  Then in the summer her hips to the tip of her tail are raw.
Thank God for CellAide Minerals
We applied it to her raw spots and within the week she stopped chewing and self mutilation.  We now have a shiny hair coat. 
A friend of mine was over last week and could not believe it was the same dog.
We add CellAide Joint Workz to her water daily.

                                  Vicki Borchgardt

I started using Cellaide Topical Pain Cream on my knee after the third replacement surgery my knee had had to endure. Not only did it lessen the inflammation but relieved my pain like no other product that I’ve tried. It was all I needed to use during my post op and rehab time and was just short of miraculous. I’ve had my friends try it successfully for headaches, arthritis, back pain, Plantar Fasciitis, muscle cramps and soreness. It is very helpful for alleviating pain due to a diverse spectrum of causes, and I highly recommend it.

                Sandy Collier

I just want to give a shout to the best product EVER!! My family and I use Cellaide Mineral products for just about everything. We use it as a horse supplement and we also take the liquid ourselves. We got a chance to try the gummies instead of the liquid and I just want to say OH MY GOODNESS!!
They are easy to take and they really do taste amazing. Since taking the gummies I sleep better and my joints do not all..I take the gummies before my shower and within minutes after getting into bed I am soundly sleeping. They do not make me drowsy just relax me. In the morning I jump rested and not achy. Now I have my Mom on them for her arthritis and kidney issues. She said within 2 days she feels AMAZING!! My Mom has had chronic UTIs and her joints are awful. Her swelling is almost gone and she said she just feels guys are a blessing for us. Thanks for not only adding to our horses well being but to ours!

Thanks Again
Brandi Cotton

Cellaide gummies are packed full of anti inflammatory magic. They help my gut with digestion, muscle recovery and my joints stay lubricated. 


For me I take 2 gummies in the morning before breakfast with a glass of water. This is for my gut health and to prepare my muscles for my day at work. In the evening I take 4 gummies to help with muscle recovery, inflammation in my joints and to relax my body for rest. 


I had been struggling with sore muscles and inflamed joints in my arms from cleaning stalls and doing bodywork on horses and people for almost a year. Since taking the gummies regularly for a month, my pain is gone and I have been sleeping soundly for 7+ hours a night. 



    Phone: 480-586-7594

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